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How To Regularly Care For Marble
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How to Regularly Care For Marble

  • Publish Date: Posted over 8 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​Taking care of marble can be part of a Housekeeper’s routine duties and will impress any prospective or current employers.

Here are some steadfast tips:

1. Clean marble with warm water and detergent. Make sure you do not use soap as it is fat based and this may cause the stone to darken. Rinse the stone with clean water and then dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. Doing this several times a week will keep the marble clean and fresh.

2. Be sure to seal the marble roughly 2 to 4 times a year with a marble sealant which prevents the naturally porous stone from absorbing stains and moisture. Make sure to speak to the dealer who you purchased the marble from, for any recommendations on the best sealant to use.

3. Polish the marble (this removes mild roughness in texture) with a marble powder and a buffing cloth. Rinse the powder off then dry the stone with a clean cloth.

4. Be sure to hire a professional stone worker if you have any deep etching or cracks in the marble. Make sure you do not attempt to repair any cracks or etchings on your own, as irreversible damage can easily be done

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