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Stay Safe This Christmas
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Stay safe this Christmas

  • Publish Date: Posted over 7 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​The party venues are booked, the drinks and food are on order and wardrobes everywhere are being filled with gorgeous bejewelled outfits and fabulous shoes - and guess what? It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The festivities bring an opportunity to have a great time and enjoy lots of parties, but without sounding like a party pooper, it’s vital that you look after yourself throughout the holidays to avoid unwanted mishaps, or worst! The good news is that with a lot of common sense and a little thought, you can enjoy the season and still stay safe.

So here are our top tips to staying safe this Christmas:

  • Ensure you phone is fully charged when going out

  • Have key contacts in your phone - taxi and friends you are out with

  • Book a taxi if you need to and remember that a minicab that hasn’t been pre-booked is a stranger’s car

  • Try not to travel alone

  • Text someone your plans - where you are going and who with, include the time you plan to be home

  • Keep money in separate places, including your bag and coat and on your person

  • Plan your route home if you are using public transport and remember your transport cards

  • Don’t drink on an empty stomach

  • Try not to drink before you get to the party and don’t mix your drinks

  • Know your limits and stick to them

  • Keep your drink with you at all times and if going on the dance floor finish your drink and start a fresh after you have finished dancing

  • If someone offers to buy you a drink, go to the bar with them

With these tips in mind, you can enjoy this wonderful time of the year safely and take care of yourself, after all you deserve it.

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