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How To Graciously Cancel Plans Over Christmas
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How to graciously cancel plans over Christmas

  • Publish Date: Posted over 6 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​The festive season is truly upon us and with it comes a lot of wonderful and perhaps not so wonderful but unavoidable social invitations. Although it’s a magical time of year, it is very easy to overload ourselves with commitments and then fall into the trap of offending when we have to cancel at the last minute.

So, how do you cancel plans without offending during this festive period?

Be selective. 

It can be easy to upset people when we cancel a previously accepted invitation. Often it can be extremely hard to say no in the first place, for fear of disappointing. Despite this, it is better to be upfront, as it is more considerate than accepting and then cancelling.

The many events people are invited to during the festive season actually provide the perfect excuse for telling hosts that you will get back to them after you’ve checked your diary. Then you can take the time to think things over and decide whether this is an event you truly want to attend.

Don’t worry if you have to say no either - even the biggest extroverts amongst us will need some downtime, so be realistic that you cannot go to everything.

Know the inviter

There are those of us who see hosting parties as an effortless and spontaneous activity and there are others of us who will plan for days or even weeks, considering every last detail in the process. Equally, some of us are fine with last minute cancellations and others who can take it as a personal slight. If you don't know the character of your host, it's advisable to err on the side of caution and be considerate in your response.

Be wary of getting caught in a lie

Honesty is definitely always the best policy, even when the other person is not one to take a declined invitation lightly. Everyone will have the odd emergency which results in cancelling plans and these times are often easier to explain. However, if the reason you are cancelling is down to you just not wanting to go out, be as honest as appropriate and come up with a plausible excuse, informing your host ASAP.

When you have to cancel, do it with kindness

Cancelling is all about timing and you should do it at the earliest opportunity. Don’t text, it's best to call and if this out of the question, text and say you will call later, but make sure you indicate how sorry you are and that you have a good reason.

Make amends if you have to cancel and rearrange ASAP

Consider if anyone is going to be out of pocket because of your actions and make sure you offer to cover the cost. Show someone they are important to you by rearranging ASAP and if you have let someone down badly, it might be best to consider an extra special apology such as flowers or a nice card.

Following these tips will ensure you can navigate through the party season with as little stress as possible! 

We can help should you be looking for catering staff to assist you with your parties, or if you're a candidate looking for a private catering job. Please contact Kari Vigor for more information. 

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