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Taking The Worry Out Of Your Childcare Needs
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Greycoat Childcare -Taking The Worry Out Of Your Childcare Needs

  • Publish Date: Posted about 8 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​We know the pressure parents put on themselves to do the very best for their children. As parents, you want your children to be safe, healthy and well cared for and you want to make the right decisions in order to achieve these fundamental aims.

From the very beginning, there are so many things to think about – breast or bottle, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, which school to apply for…..the list is endless.

We sometimes wonder if that constant, tiny knot of anxiety will ever go away? Apparently not, having quizzed many parents with older children. “Do the worries recede as our children grow up?” The unanimous answer is no – you just worry about different things.

This made us think that the Greycoat Childcare Team may have the most difficult job. All Greycoat Consultants work to earn the trust of their clients, but the Childcare Team has to work especially hard; after all they are dealing with parents for whom their children constitute the most emotive area of their life – their most precious, most protected and most treasured things.

That’s why our Childcare Team need the skills of listening and communication in abundance. Time taken to get to know clients means we can understand their needs and if we don’t get it right the first time (although we aim to!), then collecting feedback and having another long, hard think is all part of the process in finding you the right level of professional childcare for your family.

Contact us today or arrange a personal consultation:

International Nanny contact the Childcare team

Jo Winn – Short Term & Emergency Nanny Consultant

Mary Ayininuola – Maternity Nurses & Part Time Nanny Consultant

Kerry Dempsey -  Live In Nanny Consultant

Kelly Maia –  Live Out Nanny Consultant

Alex Elek – Candidate Resourcer

Roxette Billones - Candidate Resourcer

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