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How To Build And Keep A Great Relationship With Your Nanny
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How to build and keep a great relationship with your nanny

  • Publish Date: Posted about 7 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​We all know that the most important relationship you have is with your children. It’s a relationship that takes a lot of time, effort and attention. Just as having a great relationship with your children is important, so is the one you have with the person you trust to take care of them. They take on the very important role that will nurture, protect, inspire and be a positive role model for your children, so it makes sense to encourage them to do the best job they can. Nannies who feel rewarded and appreciated give in return loyalty, passion and real energy.

So how do you actually do this?

Well here are a few tips as to how you can build and keep that great relationship with your nanny:

  • Set clear expectations - When your nanny starts, invest time in ensuring there is a mutual understanding of expectations. This safeguards any confusion, misunderstandings or unhappiness, on both sides. It’s also a good idea to review these expectations regularly.

  • Communication is key - Nurturing an atmosphere where issues can be aired calmly will prevent any build-up of problems and resentments. Allow time for a ‘no kids allowed’ catch-up session and remember a thank-you goes a long way.

  • Pass on some control - The majority of nannies see their role as a professional one and will enjoy having some control in the ‘workplace’. Of course it is your home however, by allowing your nanny to take some control they will feel highly valued and it might even help you feel less stressed.

  • Set clear hours - Having childcare at home allows obvious flexibility however, this shouldn’t be taken advantage of. Like you, your nanny will have a life away from work and if you are consistently late home from work or make constant demands for babysitting it could build resentment.

  • Don’t undermine them - You will want your nanny to ‘parent’ as you would when you’re not around. You need to trust that they are making the right choices and decisions and allow their word to be final when you are not at home. Children will benefit by knowing that all the adults are working together.

  • Don’t sweat the small things - Whilst it definitely is your house and your rules, it is best to let the minor things go. If you have a certain way you like the dishwasher stacked consider not mentioning it, even if you would to your family. By not mentioning the small stuff the more impact it will have when you have something important to say.

Finding a nanny who fits in with your family can be a tough task, so when you do find one, it makes real sense to make the relationship work, so that they stay for as long as you and your children require their help.

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