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Recommend A Friend And Get Up To £250
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Recommend a Friend and get up to £250

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author:by Collette Negre

​Important message for Candidates already registered with Greycoat Lumleys:

We know that our business relies on super Candidates like you. We are always really keen to hear from more great Candidates, personally recommended by you, because we value your judgement….and we know you meet plenty of people professionally and will often have the opportunity to see them at work!

If you send a potential Candidate our way and we then place that Candidate in a job, we will reward you with high street vouchers up to the value of £250*.

If you have met anyone recently you think might be ideal for us, then do tell them about Greycoat Lumleys and if they meet our criteria, we will do our best to help them find a suitable job.

Remember - tell them to mention your name when they register with us, or better still, ask for a supply of ‘Recommend a Friend’ cards (on which you can write your name) to pass on to your friends and work colleagues.

Alternatively, you can fill in the details in the link below.
Thank you! We appreciate your help!

Click here to Recommend a Friend

*£100 for UK candidates, £150 UK couples or £250 for international candidates

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