Part Time & Weekend Nannies

Part Time Nannies | After School Nannies | Weekend Nannies

As the way we live becomes more flexible and families are looking for increasingly flexible childcare options, part-time, weekend and after-school nannies become increasingly popular.

You may have school-age or older children or you may have some childcare in place but need a nanny as an additional source of support. Whatever your situation or however much or little childcare you require, we will find the person that suits you and your family perfectly.

Whether your nanny looks after your children for a few hours a week or lives in, you can be assured of the same superior level of care and commitment to the safety, wellbeing, happiness, educational and social development of your child. All of our nannies are personally interviewed by us, have regular DBS checks and come with exemplary references.

Every child is different and every family is different. We offer an industry-leading range of Education and Childcare provision and our teams of experienced consultants are on-hand to provide advice and support at every step. Simply contact us today for an informal conversation.

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